Social Assistance

Social assistance in Georgia aplies to persons who are in need of special care and are lawful residents of Georgia, and to deprived families and homeless persons.


The types of social assistance are:


Living Allowance - monetary social assistance intended for improving the social and economic conditions of deprived families identified by the evaluation system;


Reintegration Allowance - monetary social assistance granted to those biological families and custodians (guardians) of persons in need of special care, who take them into their families from specialised institutions and provide appropriate care to them;


Allowance for Foster Care - monetary social assistance granted to a foster parent to raise and take care of a foster child;


Allowance for Family Care of a Person of Full Legal Age - monetary social assistance granted to those persons who take a person of full legal age into their families from a specialised institution and provide appropriate care to them;


Non-monetary Social Assistance - person in need of special care may be a beneficiary of non-monetary social assistance. For prevention and reintegration purposes a child and/or his/her family may also be provided with a non-monetary social assistance, when there is a family condition that serves as a justifiable precondition to recognise the child as a child without parental care; or such assistance may be provided to children without parental care in order to ensure their living in a family environment;


Social Package - monthly monetary allowance and/or a set of allowances (monetary and non-monetary allowances). The basis for granting a social package is (a) establishment of the status of a person with disabilities; (b) death of the breadwinner.


Social assistance is a monetary allowance (living allowance) intended to improve the socio-economic condition of poor families identified by the evaluation system, to reduce the level of poverty in the country, and/or to prevent it.


A family that is registered in the unified database of socially disadvantaged families and whose rating score is lower than the established marginal score for the living allowance is entitled to receive the living allowance (poor family). The amount of living allowance is determined according to the number of family members.


In order to receive social assistance (subsistence allowance), a person must apply to the relevant territorial unit of the social service agency, depending on the place of residence, fill out the defined application form and register in the unified database of socially disadvantaged families.


A poor family is entitled to receive a living allowance from the second month after the rating point is assigned. Living allowance is assigned from the month of origination of the right, based on a written application of the poor family on the appointment of living allowance. Following the rating point assigned as a result of the re-assessment, the living allowance for the family is extended or terminated.


The amount of the living allowance is determined as follows:


a) a family whose rating score is less than 30,001 - 60 GEL for all family members;

b) a family whose rating score is 30,001 or more, but less than 57,001 points - 50 GEL for all family members;

c) a family whose rating score is 57,001 or more, but less than 60,001 points - 40 GEL for all family members;

d) a family with a rating score of 60,001 or more, but less than 65,001 points - 30 GEL for all family members;

e) a family whose rating score is less than 120,001 - 150 GEL for each member of the family under the age of 16 (along with the living allowance provided for in subsections “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”, families receive the additional living allowance provided in subsection “e”).


In order to receive the amount of living allowance, a person should apply to JSC “Liberty Bank”, where after opening an account for free and making a plastic card, the corresponding monetary assistance will be deposited every month.


For further information see:

Law of Georgia on Social Assistance


Decree №145 of the Government of Georgia on Social Assistance



The portal was created with the financial support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Georgia. The information published on the portal does not represent the opinion of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.